
Friday, April 16, 2010

How to Change Your Brake Pads

One of the most amazing things about our journey is the change that is beginning to take place within our perspective. If you had asked me six months before we began our simplifying if we would be culturing dairy products or changing break pads I would have exclaimed an adamant "No!" The idea wouldn't have seemed like a bad one, necessarily, but it would have been far past the reaches of our comfort. At this point, the idea of doing our own car maintenance (beyond an oil change) seems like a normal transition. Why not? It will cut the price dramatically and make you feel awesome all at the same time.

Like so many of the processes which seemed vastly complex, much car maintenance is a series of rather simple steps which add up to create a complicated machine. That isn't to say you should run out and just start taking things apart, but don't be intimidated by the idea of doing things yourself. A Chilton handbook can go a long way, a knowledgeable neighbor or family member, a few Internet searches, and you might be amazed at what you can conquer. This spring we (I should say Jules) conquered my brakes.

The front disc brakes of my car had hit the point of needing to be changed or serious damage was going to result. They weren't just squeaking every once in a while, nor were they lightly whining a bit. They were full on squealing in pain! No grinding had begun so the calipers were fine, but oh how the metal on metal made some noise.

Below is a picture tutorial of how to change the front disc breaks of my 2003 Mazda Protege. Most all vehicles have the same basic process, to some degree. Most all wear and tear on a vehicle's brakes occur in the front brakes. Secondly, most cars have front disc brakes and rear drum brakes. DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE DRUM BRAKES YOURSELVES UNLESS YOU ARE A TRAINED TECHNICIAN.First off, jack the car up and make sure it is fully supported. Remove the tire and locate the brake.

If you look behind the brake you will find the slide pin. It is more like a rather large bolt which holds the brake together. Usually the pin is covered with a plastic or spongy cap which is just pulled off to reveal the head of the pin. There is also another black rubber, spongy gasket the slide pin fits through. It is the black semi circle in within the highlighted section above. If your car has ever been in an accident, this is a part which is frequently replaced. In my car, the driver's side slide pin was a metric screw; on the passenger side it was an allen screw. In either case, you want to locate the pin and remove it.

Click on images to enlarge
Now that the pin is removed the brake can swing open and you can change the pads inside. Pry the caliper open. It will swing up to reveal the brake pads inside. Sometimes this will be a bit tricky. Jules used the handle of a socket wrench.

There are two wire clips which hold down each of the brake pads (both front and back). You will need to pop these out. They come off easily by pinching the two sides together. Don't loose them. They are small.

You can now remove the old brake pads. There is one on either side (front and back). They should slide out very easily. At this point you can see just how much you were able to eek out of the old pair by stacking them up next to the new ones. As you can see, my old pair were just about completely toast!

Anti-squeal brake lubricant is completely optional. It helps the new brake pads seat themselves within the caliper. You don't need it, but for under 10 bucks it is well worth the cost. If you are going to use it, squeeze some of the blue (I think it is purple) goo out of the little tube and smear it onto both faces of the new brake pads.

Replace the pads into the caliper.

Put the clips back on.

You are ready to pull the caliper back down over the top of the new pads. The problem is the piston head (big circle thing) has been compressed so that it could squeeze the worn out break pads. It is too snug to fit over the new brake pads. By taking a piece of scrap wood and a big, old C-Clamp you can push the piston head (big circle thing) back into place allowing you to close the caliper. Use wood to prevent damage to the piston head. Once the piston head (big circle thing) is pushed back into place, it won't come back out.
Once the caliper is put back into place over the top of the new brake pads, all you have to do is put the slide pin (big bolt) back in. In order to do that, you need to put the black, spongy, rubber gaskets in place, line up the holes, and slide the pin through. This is sometimes easier said than done. A little wiggling, some cussing, and Jules got it to work. A couple of tries might be necessary. Put the last black, spongy topper on the slide pin and you have replaced your brake pads!

Put your tire back on, slowly release your car from the jack, and then take a short trip down the block. This seats your new brake pads. Until they seat fully, they might squeak a tiny bit. This should sound nothing like the old ones, and sometimes it doesn't happen at all. Remember the piston head (big circle thing)you had to clamp down? Well, now it is having to readjust the pressure to your new brakes in order for them to squeeze the tires. If the piston head doesn't squeeze, the brakes don't squeeze. This is why seating is so important.

Warning: Do not decide to make your first trip after replacing your brake pads on an interstate freeway drive at 70 mph. Go to the grocery store down the street first at about 5 mph. Just in case. I wouldn't have my toddler in the car either. You want to be sure that all is good before you really endanger anyone else. They are your brakes after all.

In only nine simple steps you can complete a task that should cause much pride and newly found confidence in your personal ability. Not only that, it can get you some really great bragging rights! Why not try it.

UPDATE: When you purchase your brake pads, take them out of the box carefully! Some have A and B pads designated by small extra tabs which stick out. Each brake needs to have both an A pad (with tabs) in the back and a B pad (without tabs) in the front. When Jules fixed his truck brakes, he put them on with A and A on the left side and B and B on the right. The right side was fine, no extra tabs sticking out. On the A and A side however the tabs splintered off and broke the caliper. There was no writing to alert him to look for the tabs and nothing in his manual. Just be careful. In the end, the cost was still cheap, but it was an annoying set back.


  1. I loved this post on brakes, we did ours last summer and saved a bundle...they still work too.:) I learned how to do it by watching an online video, your tutorial would have come in handy.

  2. Yesterday, while I was driving home with my daughter, I noticed that my brakes were a bit squeaky. I instantly pulled over to our local auto repair in Indianapolis because the other day, I also heard screeching under the hood. The mechanic told me that the brake pads were dirty and they just needed cleaning, and the screeching noises was caused by a worn out timing belt. Thank goodness, I did not hesitate to stop by this car repair (Indianapolis, IN based) shop. The mechanics did an amazing job fixing my car.

    I am no mechanic, but your tutorial and pictures make changing brake pads seem easy. Thank you so much for your post!

  3. Nice instructional post on how to change your brake pads. You even wrote a warning to those who are not keen in doing such repairs on their cars! My dad was a grease monkey, and I often observed him do repairs and replacement on our car parts. When I owned my own car, I did repairs too. However, I didn’t do well at first. Through practice, I was able to do them flawlessly. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience!

    Enoch Ross

  4. Thanks for the post. I have been debating on whether I should do it myself or hire someone to get it done. I have been looking around for a auto mechanic in Las Vegas. I have been waiting to get the motivation to just get it done.

  5. This is super helpful. I have been researching how to change my break pads so I could have my brother help me out with it this weekend. Turns out he can't come down anymore so I think I'll just take it to some brake repair shop in Calgary and learn how to fix it myself another time.

  6. When you are looking to change car brake pads, you should take auto repair expert advice for changing brake pads. auto repair expert can help a lot in changing car brake pads properly.
    Chine brake pads

  7. When I lived in an apartment complex, I had a neighbor that worked on all my car stuff for me. I was thankful for it because it saved me a lot of time and stress, but at the same time I wish I would have learned how to take care of my car. My brakes are having issues so I need to take them to a professional to fix them. Maybe he can show me a thing or two about my car so I know what to do in an emergency.

  8. This is some really cool information, I am glad that I came across this. My husband is going to drool over this! He loves fixing cars and anything to do with them! I had a scary experience where my brakes went out while I was driving, luckily I was okay and I got them fixed. Hopefully that never happens to me ever again for as long as I'm alive!
    Holly James |

  9. It's cool to see people change their breaks by hand. I am looking to have mine replaced in Calgary. Would anyone have a good idea where to get it done?
    John Bond |

  10. I had no idea that you could change your brake pads by yourself. This seems like a pretty complex job. If I were a better handyman, I would maybe try this on own. For now though, I think I'll just stick with hire mechanics to do work like this.

  11. This is a pretty thorough explanation on how to replace your brake pads. I replace mine just a few months ago, but apparently something else is wrong with them. They're not working as well as they should with new pads. I'll probably have to take it to a shop to get it fixed.
    -Seamus |

  12. I learned a lot from your blog my car brake caliper is not working properly, so I purchased it from ebcbrakesdirect, and I need guidance on how to put a brake caliper on my car.

  13. I noticed my brakes weren't working as good so I took a look at them. I tried to figure out how to do it but couldn't figure it out. I just ended up taking it in to get repaired. After reading I knew what I did wrong. Next time I should be able to do it!

  14. Wow, this site is really useful. I love how you use pictures and arrows to explain the different parts of the wheel and brake. I don't like to have to go into the car shop for every problem my car has, so a lot of it I try to learn on my own. This definitely helped me figure out how to change the brake pads on my own.
    Charles Norton|

  15. It's valuable to see picture and a demonstration with descriptions! We've been needing to get our spare car's brakes repaired. They are completely old and battered!

  16. I have actually known how to repair and replace my brakes since I was younger. That is because I have been doing these kinds of things from my dad. He taught me at so that I would know what to do when these things happened.

  17. Thanks for the information! While this is an awesome idea, I don't know how safe it is to replace your brake pads by yourself. I would recommend hiring a professional. That way you avoid as many problems as possible. If you replace them but mess something up, you could cause a major accident.

  18. I've been trying to fix my break pads on my own. I thought that I was doing everything right, but my methods seem to be failing me. I'm looking up instructions on changing brake pads to find out exactly what I'm doing wrong. Now I see that I haven't tried pulling the caliper down over my new brake pads. I'll make sure to do that once I get back to replacing my brake pads.

  19. I have been hearing a grinding squeaky sound when I apply my brakes in the car. I would like to get a guide book so that I can do the job myself. At this time of year I cannot afford too much, in the way of excess expenses.

  20. It was actually pretty fascinating for me to look at your article because I had no idea what brakes even looked like before seeing your pictures. Thank you for the information on how to change brake pads. I feel as though auto repair places always tell me that I need to replace my brake pads, but I never had any idea of what they were talking about. Now, I feel very much informed for next time.

  21. I just recently found out that I am going to have to get new brake pads. I am looking to see if I will be able to replace them by myself to save money. This blog was perfect and it seems to explain it super simple and has pictures to show you what to do. Thanks for the post.

  22. With most cars, changing the brakes are as easy as changing the oil. With some, it would be better to take them to a shop or a dealership. I always change my own brakes, and I've gotten into the groove of doing most of my friends' brakes. One car I had to turn away since it was beyond my knowledge. Luckily for my friends, there is a auto repair shop not far from where we live.

  23. Your breaks are definitely something that you need to maintain. If you aren't regularly trying to maintain your brakes they are a lot more likely to fail on a moment's notice. It is so important that you go in to have your bakes checked regularly. By doing this you can definitely help prevent a lot of problems.

  24. I need to have my brake pads changed, but I don't think that I can do it by myself. I am going to have to take my car to a brake shop. It will cost me some money, but at least I can be sure that the brakes are installed properly.

  25. It is so cool to see how brake pads are replaced. My car has been making screeching noises when I stop. Maybe I just need to have my own break pads repaired.

  26. My mom's breaks haven't been working correctly lately and we are trying to find out what's going on with them. They keep making this weird scratching noise, and we don't know why. We aren't sure if we should take the car into the shop to get it looked at, or if we can fix it on our own. This helped though and I hope that we can figure something out soon.

  27. It looks like replacing your own brake pads is a pretty easy fix. I'm glad that you took pictures of the whole thing! It's a lot easier for me to get things if I have pictures that show me what I should be doing. On my old car, I was at least competent enough to change the oil by myself. I would probably have some competent friends help me with brake pads. Otherwise, I would just take it to the shop. It's a good idea to know your car though and if you do some of the repairs, you get to know your car a little better.

  28. I had no idea how to change my brake pads before reading this article. I think I read it in just the right time because I have been noticing my brakes are acting different. I really want to make sure they are working well so that I feel safe. Maybe I'll have to change my brake pads myself.

  29. This really sounds like a great option for anyone who is looking to fix their brakes. I personally really like the idea of being able to fix something on my own. It really just is appealing to the idea of saving money in general. This will take me a long way, thank you for sharing.

  30. The last time I did a brake repair on my car was a few weeks ago. At that time my car was experiencing some brake problems that even other drivers were noticing due to the sound that was coming out of my car. Luckily the problem was resolved earlier because a friend of mine took a look at where the sound was coming from. To her surprise she found that the break pads were wearing down and so it was a simple solution of buying new break pads.

  31. There are a few errors and omissions here.Before you sqeeze the piston with the G clamp you should remove the reservoir cap.Retracting the piston will force brake fluid back into the reservoir and could overflow.Also the removal of the lid can releave pressure.
    He referes to Anti Squeal Lubricant " Smear it on both faces of the new brake pads" He should have said " on the back of both pads" You must not let any grease get near the friction surfaces
    that come into contact with the disc itself.
    Also whatever you do don't take the car onto the road until you have thoroughly checked that the brakes are working properly.
    Do this before you move the car by depressing the brake pedal slowly several times until it eventually achieves satisfactory

  32. I am replacing the brake pads on my car and I need to know which ones are the best and will last the longest.

  33. Thank you for this informative post, I've been looking for a good place to get brake service for a while. I can feel that my brakes are going bad and I know I should have them fixed. In fact, I might actually try to replace them myself! Any comments or suggestions?

  34. Thanks for the share, these are definitely all things that need to be taken care of when it comes to your vehicle. Also keep in mind that you should check to make sure that your wiper blades aren’t worn down. Generally speaking if your wipers are making any noise or leaving streaks on your windshield, it may be time for a new pair.

  35. Thank you so much for this post! It's nice to hear from someone who, like me, is new to the whole DIY thing as far as car maintenance goes. I'm glad you gave me that warning about changing drum brakes, however; I was about to attempt doing that myself and it could have been disastrous! I was wondering where you purchase your car parts? I'm looking for a cheap but reliable option.

  36. Its a really good information. another reasons for me to follow why the brake pad suppliers is important. thanks for the great post!

  37. A car's braking system is one of the most important components in your driving experience, as it's the only thing keeping you from smashing into that bus full of nuns on your spirited run to the grocery store. It's a fairly simple hydraulic system that allows the force applied at the pedal to be translated to clamping force at the wheel. When a brake pad wears down on a rotor, it will often make a squeaking sound when applied. This is an audible safety measure to make sure that the driver knows to change the brakes soon. Unfortunately, some pads don't do this particularly well, so newer cars have brake pad wear sensors installed as part of their system, alerting the driver on the dash that the pads needs replacement.

    Source: Brake Caliper Set

  38. Wow, This blog is really useful. I love how you use pictures and arrows to explain the different parts of the car such as wheels and brake.Thanks for Sharing!
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    car brake maintenance service in san antonio,texas

  39. Jacking the car up and making sure that it is fully supported sounds like a good first step in replacing your car brakes. It is good to know that the next thing to do is to remove the tire and locate the brake. My dad says that it is best to change brake pads before absolutely necessary in order to prolong the life expectancy of your car.

  40. Thanks for sharing this amazing blog and the details about brake pads really awesome.
    Good work.

    Brake repair

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Buy brake pads online from Sand Dance Tyres shops. Now no need of going to the shop rather make an order online with special discounts.

  43. Lol smear the lubricant on both sides of the pad. You are joking right? You actually want that grease on the braking surface? You should fix this blog before someone gets into an accident.

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  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I read your blog about the ways to change your brake pads, really, you have explained the things in a better way. Thanks for sharing!!!
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  47. Thank you for the post.
    If you’ve done some basic wrenching like replacing starter motors, alternators or even mufflers, you’re completely capable of doing your own brake job

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  50. Very Nice. I went Winnipeg last month and i noticed some problem in my car's break so i went to Winter's Auto Service shop. They did amazing job. So for best Brake Service Winnipeg visit only and only at Winter's Auto Service. They have professionals for your car.
    And yes i saw a article on how you can extend your car's life. Awesome article!!!

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