
Monday, May 28, 2012

415 Miles Down - Missing the Family

(Brynn never gets any pictures of herself.) 

I live for evenings when I get a call around 7:00pm; I run to the cell hoping it's Brynn.  When I'm not disappointed by a telemarketer, I listen with awe at all that Dae and Brynn have seen and accomplished.  Tonight we talked about a detour they were having to take due to some scrub brush that was running rampant.  It seems this plant, that had grown back in abundance after a recent wildfire destroyed its competition, has very nasty burrs that work their way into your skin and cause severe itching and possibly blistering.  Thus, a road walk was today's adventure.  

Sure, Brynn cuts in and out as reception isn't always the best, but it lifts my spirits knowing they are at camp, settling down after a long day, cooking, and preparing to snuggle down for the night.  Brynn and I have a pretty great relationship, largely due to simply talking with each other on a regular basis.  This sounds like something every couple should do, but I'm reminded more and more by friends and acquaintances that this is all to often something that gets put aside or lost in the multitude of other chores.  We are blessed with a dock that now overlooks a sand flat, but it does offer solitude, quiet, huge views of the stars, and the ideal spot to spend an evening talking with a partner.  It is a ritual that Brynn and I do consistently, so these phone calls have really been a great solution while she is away hiking.  

Tonight, I was talking with the Barracuda, which mostly consists of me taunting him about the hugs, kisses, and snuggles I'm going to give him when I see him.  I've coined the day we see each other as "SnuggleFest 2012".  I'm being silly with him, and he breaks this out on me.  "You know, this trip has been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be when I said I wanted to hike the PCT."  He said this not with dread or in weakness; instead, he was enthusiastic and talking about how he was working on his 3 mile an hour pace.  And how could he, a child who still doesn't fully grasp scale yet, possibly imagine how huge of a challenge he is taking on.  That he wakes up happy and excited to meet this growing realization of what lays before him is simply inspiring.  I can't imagine all the things he's done and experienced, but I don't think my boy will be the same kid I dropped off at the border two month earlier.    



  1. I would sure miss my family, too. I bet they are really looking forward to when you join them on the hike. Thank goodness for cell phones, huh?

  2. And really, would you want him to be the same boy? Isn't that what these kinds of experiences are all about - regardless of the age at which one emabarks upon them? I am keeping my friends and colleagues here in Dubai updated on the Sparrow's and Barracuda's adventures. A number of them think "Cuda should start a blog of his own to inspire other kids to live their dreams. Another friend said she thinks he needs to begin his autobiography right now! :) All are sending good vibes to the travelors.

  3. Mel...I normally have a disdain for my cell phone, but you are so correct about loving it right now. I'm counting down the days at this point.

    April...Thank you so much for your support on their hike. I'm so proud of Dae and happy that he is growing and learning so much from his experiences on the trail. I remember what it was like to be a 17 year old hiking the Appalachian Trail, and I'm a little overwhelmed by the Barracuda and how hugely influential this must be for him. I can think of few other experiences though that would instill him with better qualities, such as patience, hard work, pacing, and goal planning. I talked to Brynn in Aqua Dulce today, and the Barracuda was hustling other hikers at cards and "cowboy" camping on a cot.

  4. It's grammy who is not savvy enough with the computer to come up with a way other than "anonymous" to post here!! I am so very proud of you Brynn and you, our brave Barracuda. Such amazing experiences, both good and bad, you are living. I am just in awe of the two of you. We do miss you so much and cannot wait to see you, hopefully in Burney Falls, CA. In Kennedy Meadows you'll get a candy bar and a couple other sweets. Hopefully more, in another pkg. before we see you. We love you...keep your spirits up.
    Grammy & Grampy

  5. I feel as though I am reading this adventure book with you as the narrator....I can imagine in my mind all the beauty and daily tasks put forth by hiking this trail. At moments, I want to be one of those trail angels and make all your needs possible for the length of this journey. I sit back in awe of the two of you and the perseverance you show daily. I love following the blog and look forward to the pictures and stories that you share...with God as your trail strong!!!

  6. I am so proud of Brynn and Dae and they're not even my kin. Following along, definitely an armchair adventure for us reading, is very inspiring.

  7. I am following along too on your family adventure, one from home, two on the trail. Enjoying every moment.

  8. So true how your boy has probably grown a lot since you dropped them off 2 months ago. I like to think of it more as waking up than changing.
