
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Pacific Crest Trail – Update on the Kick Off

Pacific Crest Trail – Update on the Kick Off

 (The Barracuda standing at the official start of the PCT in Campo, CA.
Behind him you see the ominous fence marking the U.S/Mexican border.)

If this format doesn't match what you are use to seeing, it is because I, Jules, will be posting weekly updates to the blog while the family is hiking the PCT.  I will do my best to keep the same tone and vibe you are use to reading, but I will confess upfront that I am a bit of a Luddite and not very computer savvy.  This post will also be a quick update, but I will post again this weekend with more details. 

As I type this, The Barracuda and Brynn are well into their first hundred mile section of the PCT.  After all the stressful days of planning and packing, I think they were both happy to be underway and in the car this past Thursday.  After a two day, 18 hour rode trip, we made it to Campo, CA.  I was lucky enough to hike the first 20 mile section with them and see them off.  Despite truly sweltering conditions and many dry water sources, they are in great spirits and moving north.  As you can imagine, I'm quite proud of them both.   


  1. Thanks for posting updates. I look forward to following their progress.

  2. Hey Jules Met your 2 hikers today near Whitewater. They are great and I loved the fact that your little Barracuda is in it to get to the end! I asked him how he felt after 200+ miles and he said "Tired!" Then I said are you going the whole 2600 miles and he said "YES!" with a great big grin on his face. You have an amazing son and an amazing wife. And you are pretty a fantastic support for staying at home and posting for them, but you really should catch up since you son will be FAMOUS in a very short period of time! ALL the hikers talk about him and he is a bit of a celebrity already! Good luck to the entire family!

  3. Kay,

    Thanks for dropping me a line. I agree about the Barracuda. I think many people think this hike was something that mom and dad came up with and he simply is tagging along. It is quite the opposite. He has hiked many challenging trails and knows what a long day feels like. He wanted to hike the PCT. Yeah, my little man is pretty amazing. It makes me smile knowing he is out there having adventures, and I'm humbled when I hear from hikers who have run into him on the trail. I worry at times about notoriety at his age, but I'm so thankful for all the people out there who are supporting the Barracuda, talking about him, and generally caring about him. It makes being away from them much easier, but I am ready for the school year to end so I can hit the trail with them! Thanks again.
