When our family pulled away from processed food, it was a slow venture. A few foods here, a few there. A lower grocery bill pulling us on, but still splurging a bit on junk fast foods occasionally. With the exception of our hike, we don't eat that junk food anymore. It actually makes us a bit sick when we eat it, now. The Barracuda and I are now venturing into meatlessness, and potential vegan-ness.
Flesh and I have never been all that great of friends. I mean, we get along and all, but I'm definitely a much stronger herbivore. It's not like my relationship with lactose or eggs....even writing eggs makes me slightly uncomfortable internally. It isn't some massive ethical debate for me. I'm mainly just put off by the texture and how they make me feel.
Jules is the exact opposite. He has actually been hospitalized for eating a steak so rapidly it endangered his ability to breathe. Yeah...He's not giving up any meat, anytime soon. We aren't even going there with him.
The Barracuda is a true omnivore. He's got a thing for BBQed muscle tissue, or marinaded, or stir fried, or roasted, or dry rubbed...Even if his stomach doesn't whole-heartedly agree with him, it is mainly on board and so is he. Veggies are awesome too, fruits are a total score, hook him up with some cheese, he'll eat anything. Until he heard about this, this, this, and lastly this.
Oh First World Problems. Talk about an issue. Does he give up meat and save the planet? Does he enjoy meat as the planet crumbles around him? Does he listen to Jules who will never give up meat? Does he go with Mom who can totally turn her back on it with no issue? Does he crumple into fetal position in the corner crying?
Google came to the rescue. Google usually rescues him. There was a whole lot of reading, and talking, and thinking.
After much deliberation, the consensus has become that the only meal which will contain meat is dinner. That means 2/3rds of the week will be meat free and mostly dairy free. Fish eating can happen sporadically since he can't quite decide if fish is considered a planet-damaging meat or not. Dairy sparingly and so with eggs as well. We'll have to see how it goes.
"Obedience to the standard culture is what got the world in this place. Perhaps it is time we all felt a bit uncomfortable and tried some cultural disobedience. Meat is a luxury most of the world doesn't have. I have a whole lot of luxuries in my life and I don't need this one anymore." ~ The Barracuda
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